This design for a house on a Washington state ranch by Peter Macapia, the principal of Brooklyn-based Design Office for Research and Achitecture (DORA), applies his interest in the relationship of formal geometries and energy relations. 


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Approaching the Louvre Museum in Abi Dhabi from the city, the white, low cupola seems a flattened echo of the round cupolas found in Arab architecture.

Approaching from the water, the shaded space shows its scattered light, which continues the sparkling light of the water onto the architecture.

On a more abstract level, the museum is a ‘city’ with houses, streets and plaza’s that is ‘protected’ from the sun by a Buckminster Fuller kind of dome. If we fold it a bit further: if ‘protection’ becomes ‘conservation’, we could also read in it all a small Pompeii. The cupola becomes the ash that conserves a civilization.


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The new Science Center in Hamburg designed by Rem Koolhaas/OMA looks just like an amethyst. As Rem Koolhaas despises the explicit use of iconography in architectural design, the amethyst analogy is not deliberately meant. The Science Center measures 14.000 square meters and features an aquarium, an academic theater, and probably also a planetarium.


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The existing construction primarily started as an office building; the building is re-designed as a residence bearing the Loft concept. The long, thin planned building is located on a total 3.870sqm area, the front block consists of 11 stories above the ground floor, and the rear block is ground-floor +7 stories. Lofts are at various sizes and types; differing from 68 to182sqm; including duplexes; with terraces or gardens. The façade is perceived as an assortment of boxes; also, each unique module shall be distinguished from outside due to the curtain system, a range of colors and light will be reflected from inside, as a method of benefiting functional solutions for esthetics purposes. Offering an efficient, tranquil, life style in modern-day standards in “downtown”, the complex is supported by the recent technologies; the car park, storage, central heating and ventilation, security, maintenance services and “intelligent house” system grant a user-friendly environment and easy access. The building is not only programmed as a housing facility but also it is planned to be a high quality social venue; the entrance is made through the lobby on the first floor where meeting rooms, a health center, cafés and restaurants and the other common areas take place. Total site area is 3.456 m² and the construction area is 30.159 m².


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The Philharmonie de Paris, designed by Jean Nouvel, will be located in the northeastern Paris neighborhood of La Villette and inaugurated in 2012. Above, a model of the northeast view of the concert hall.


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導演 : 李宰漢
演員 : 孫藝珍、鄭雨盛


機緣巧合下,淑珍再次遇上那個便利店的男人俊樹 - 一個夢想成為建築師的木匠。這次的重遇,淑珍竟被地位身份懸殊的他所吸引,她純真的愛打動了冷漠內斂的俊樹,令從小就被母親遺棄、孤苦伶仃地長大的他,重拾久違了的被愛感覺,敞開心扉,跟淑珍慢慢由朋友成為戀人,後來淑珍更主動向他求婚。


  March 05, 2006
From  adiar

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A dramatic new wing of Toronto’s Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) designed by Daniel Libeskind is set to open 2 June. Dubbed the Lee-Chin Crystal, the 175,000 square foot aluminum and glass clad building will house seven collection galleries on two levels, two special exhibition spaces, new retail and dining facilities and a new main entrance and lobby. Libeskind’s ‘Crystal” is comprised of five interlocking, self-supporting prismatic structures that interface with the historic buildings that embrace it. With hardly a right angle anywhere, its sloping walls create unique interior spaces with soaring volumes and such distinctive details as the “Spirit House”, a void at the heart of the building that is traversed by criss-crossing bridges. Slashing windows fill the rooms with natural light and create uniquely framed views of the cityscapes outside. The new wing is the centerpiece of the Museum’s $250 million expansion and renovation project to be completed by 2009.


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Perceptive Pixel, Inc. was founded by Jeff Han in 2006 as a spinoff of the NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences to develop and market the most advanced multi-touch system in the world. 

A five-months-old child lying in his cradle, looking upwards with curiosity and interest at a group of toy bees hung over the cradle, flowing around in the air; the neonate stretches his arm in order to grasp the bees, but doesn't reach them. Those colored moving stimuli are very attractive for the newborn, and he acts expressing his interest. 

Natural Interaction is the investigation of the relationships between humans and machines following this vision: we create interactive artifacts that respect and exploit the natural dynamics through which people communicate and discover the real world.

Our research is aimed at creating technology-enhanced spaces that sense and understand human behaviors and expressions, and present digital content as it was real, physical stuff.

Multi-touch update      NaturalInteraction      iO      Sensitivefloor      Sensitivewall

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LAb[au] is happy to announce you its new urban interactive installation Touch on the DexiaTower and Place Rogier in Brussels, Belgium. The project takes as a starting point Brussels 145 m high DexiaTower, from which 4200 windows can be individually colour-enlightened by RGB-led bars, turning the facade into an immense display.

Instead of considering this infrastructure as a flat screen (surface) displaying pre-rendered video loops, the project is working on the architectural characteristics of the tower and its urban context. The characteristics of the building; orientation, volume, scale… are used as parameters to set up a spatial, temporal and luminous concept, which moreover allows people to directly interact with the tower.
On Place Rogier, at the bottom of the tower, a station is mounted where people can interact either individually or collectively with the tower through a multi touch screen.

MediaArchitecture      Video

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Kunst oder künstlerisch - imposant auf jedenfall! Die Fassade des Parkhaus KaDeWe, ausgestattet mit über 100 farbigen Perspexkanälen und dem
idee. Schriftzug mit LED animiert, macht ordentlich was her.


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NOMADE has been retained as finalist in the international competition for the Shenzhen Nanshan Sports and Cultural Complex located in Shenzhen, China. Other finalists(4) include Arat Isozaki. Architect of record is BIAD, China.

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The Governor of Kaohsiung, Taiwan announced that Mecanoo architecten has won the design competition for the new National Performing Arts Centre. At 100,000 m2 the National Performing Arts Centre is to become the largest theatre complex in Taiwan. An important source of inspiration for Mecanoo’s building design were the existing one of the world’s largest trees, the banyan trees on location. The partially grass and plant covered roof creates natural and efficient building cooling in the subtropical climate. The large roof also provides an informal public space where the city residents can stroll, practice Tai Chi, mediate or just relax. The design also consists of a concert hall of 2,300 seats, an opera house with 2,000 seats, a theatre hall with 1000 seats, an experimental Black Box with 500 seats, an open-air theatre and park design. Work on the 200m Euros is set to begin in early 2009 and to be completed by 2012.


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Added  March 25, 2007
From  wantyou0720

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這是在2006年就讀交大時,參予劉育東(Aleppo)教授的研究計畫,需要製作一個1:100的大連電子公司大廳內的自由形體模型去參加深圳建築雙年展,當時學校有個設備稱為快速成型機(Rapid Prototyping Machine),這是一個可以將3D模型輸出成ABS塑膠的實體模型,只要你將3D模型輸出STL的檔案再匯入軟體(Insight)內計算,RP就可以開始製作模型了,對於現今建築或者是工業設計者提供了在製作模型上的新方向....

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上週六去河岸留言聽雷光夏的表演,她在最後唱了一首經典老歌David Gates的IF,這首歌在她的詮釋下實在是非常的好聽!!下面放了原唱的歌曲,大家可以聽聽看..

David Gates, IF

If a picture paints a thousand words, then why can't I paint you?
The words will never show the you I've come to know.
If a face could launch a thousand ships, then where am I to go?
There's no one home but you, You're all that's left me to.
And when my love for life is running dry, you come and pour yourself from me.
If a man could be two places at one time, I'd be with you.
Tommorrow and today, beside you all the way.
If the world should stop revolving spinning slowly down to die,
I'd spend the end with you. And when the world was through,
Then one by one the stars would all go out, then you and I would simply fly away.

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Frank Gehry is adding a much-needed touch of lightness to the Manhattan skyline just as the city finally emerges from a period of mourning.

IAC headquarters building.
March 22, 2007, Manhattan, New York.

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Futuresonic 2006bttlsToshio Iwai,   Fennesz

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YouTube video TEST. FOR FUN....

Added  March 16, 2007
From  misterbunbun

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從蚌殼裡吐出的海市蜃樓    是誰短暫的美夢


接著    那個小孩準備要


雷光夏全心創作專輯    黑暗之光


距離中的深深凝望    輕輕歌唱

冷酷實境裡    溫暖的那道光


雷光夏 + 發光樂隊
河岸留言 3/24 9 : 30 (六)

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《會不會 》


離開你的視線 卸下我為你偽裝的容顏
紅的唇 白的臉 灰色的午夜

離開你的世界 讓情緒完完整整的渲洩
冷的心 熱的淚 空白的想念

我想今夜就這樣吧 就算孤獨也無所謂
也許有一天你開始後悔 會不會 會不會


下面是她最新的單曲Nobody Helps Me《Pussy 》



《Pussy 》

I had a cat
Something pretty
Something small
Something naive
Won’t tell you lies
Won’t ask you why

I love my cat
Something really…
Something bigger
Something guilty
It takes your time
It takes your trust
So easy

I saw a cat
Without the social lines
Without a good day
Without an eclipse
Nobody helps me
Like I did to my little pussy
Give a hand to anyone

I saw a cat
Without the social lines
Without a good day
Without an eclipse
Nobody helps me
Like I did to my little pussy
Give a hand to anyone
Anyone, anyone…



[2007春天的吶喊 鵝鑾鼻燈塔見]
時間:2007/4/5 晚上

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Title: The Artist himself
Name: Piotr Wysocki
Country: United Kingdom
Software: Maya, mental ray, Photoshop, ZBrush

前天在cgtalk看到Piotr Wysocki的新作,很難相信這張也是cg作品吧!!
令我咋舌的是這個作品居然也是出自於Maya的Mental ray,前一陣子有看到一些大師的
作品用Maya做出一些極為擬真的人物作品,主因應該是受到Mental ray sss for Maya的
,有機會在來分享製作的方法,人物上的毛髮Pioty是使用Maya fur所製作而成,fur就我
所知結合Mental ray
設定Final Gather and Global Illumination做出期望的效果,再者就是深入了解自然環

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