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Maya 8.5 在mental ray render上有了新的功能,physical sun and physical sky 兩天前測試了一下,render效果蠻好的,計算的時間也不會很長,真是Maya使用者的福音阿...,之後可以考慮嘗試mental ray, 就不用轉到max使用vray了= =..

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Blizzard Entertainment® announces highly anticipated sequel at 2007 Worldwide Invitational event in South Korea 

SEOUL, South Korea – May 19, 2007 – Blizzard Entertainment® today unveiled StarCraft® II, the sequel to its award-winning real-time strategy game StarCraft, at the 2007 Blizzard Worldwide Invitational event in Seoul, South Korea. The announcement took place inside the Olympic Gymnastics Arena, in front of thousands of attendees, who received a presentation that included a StarCraft II cinematic trailer and a gameplay demonstration by the development team.

Designed to be the ultimate competitive real-time strategy game, StarCraft II will feature the return of the Protoss, Terran, and Zerg races, overhauled and re-imagined with Blizzard's signature approach to game balance. Each race will be further distinguished from the others, with several new units and new gameplay mechanics, as well as new abilities for some of the classic StarCraft units that will be making a reappearance in the game. StarCraft II will also feature a custom 3D-graphics engine with realistic physics and the ability to render several large, highly detailed units and massive armies on-screen simultaneously.

"With StarCraft II, we'll be able to do everything we wanted to do with the original StarCraft and more," stated Mike Morhaime, president and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. "We recognize that expectations are high following the long-running popularity of the original game, but we plan to meet those expectations and deliver an engaging, action-packed, competitive experience that StarCraft players and strategy gamers worldwide will enjoy."


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Title: The Artist himself
Name: Piotr Wysocki
Country: United Kingdom
Software: Maya, mental ray, Photoshop, ZBrush

前天在cgtalk看到Piotr Wysocki的新作,很難相信這張也是cg作品吧!!
令我咋舌的是這個作品居然也是出自於Maya的Mental ray,前一陣子有看到一些大師的
作品用Maya做出一些極為擬真的人物作品,主因應該是受到Mental ray sss for Maya的
,有機會在來分享製作的方法,人物上的毛髮Pioty是使用Maya fur所製作而成,fur就我
所知結合Mental ray
設定Final Gather and Global Illumination做出期望的效果,再者就是深入了解自然環

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